Dragon Boating - More than a sport, a Tradition


鐵人拔旗賽第三回合 - 延期通知

鐵人拔旗賽第三回合 - 延期通知


鑑於現時香港新冠肺炎疫情仍然在擴散中,為大眾安全避免受感染著想,原定於5月31日舉行的鐵人拔旗賽之第三回合,將會延期舉行。待香港疫情消除後,本會會恢復舉辦比賽,感謝大家支持。祝大家身體健康,生活愉快,謝謝 !


The spread of COVID-19 continues, for the public safety, the 3rd Ironman race scheduled on 31/5 will be postponed. We believe this decision is in the best interest of the safety. We would continue to monitor this dynamic situation and assess possibility to organize the race. Thank you for your support. Wishing all of you good health and happiness in life.





您目前位置:最新動態 香港 鐵人拔旗賽第三回合 - 延期通知