Dragon Boating - More than a sport, a Tradition


香港國際龍舟請賽 2023

Hong Kong International Dragon

Boat Races 2023


日期 Date:2023年6月24 & 25日

地點 Venue:尖沙咀東部海濱 Off TST East Promenade

比賽項目 Distance:中龍 Standard Boat 500m


查詢 Enquiries


2023香港國際龍舟邀請賽 賽事秘書處

Secretariat of 2023 Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races

Hotline:+852 5660 8146 / +852 3100 0079 (9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays)


SOURCE : 中國香港龍舟總會 Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association

2017 香港國際龍舟錦標賽

Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017 


Race Bulletin 1


Date : 2 June - 4 June 2017
Venue : 中環海濱 Central Harbourfront

截止報名 Enrollment Deadline : 6 April 2017
線道抽籤 Lane Draws : 5 May 2017
領隊會議 Manager's Meeting : 1 June 2017

Day 1 : 小龍比賽 Small Boat 200m
Day 2-3 : 標準龍比賽 Standard Boat 500m*


* 標準龍比賽賽程將定為 500 米。惟比賽場地附近現正進行大型工程,如遇上工程延誤,賽程有機會調整。實際賽程以大會最後公布為準。 

* Due to venue limitation, the tentative maximum racing distance is 500m. The exact racing distance to be announced. 



SOURCE : 中 國 香 港 龍 舟 總 會 Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association


Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2016  



(第2階段抽籤結果)  2nd Phrase Lane Draw 






The Lane Draw Result (2nd Phrase Registration) of CCB (Asia) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2016 is published now, please refer to the following attached file for your reference.


Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2016  



抽籤結果 Lane Draw 






The Lane Draw Result of CCB (Asia) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2016 is published now, please refer to the following attached file for your reference.


Source : http://www.hkcdba.org/

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