Dragon Boating - More than a sport, a Tradition


第⼀屆國際展能⿓⾈邀請賽暨⿊武⼠慈善賽 1st International Para Dragon Invitational Races cum Darkness Fighters Charity Regatta


1st International Para Dragon Invitational Races cum Darkness Fighters Charity Regatta


⽇期 Date:2020 年 7 ⽉ 5 ⽇ ( Sunday 05 July 2020)
時間 Time:0800 – 1500
地點 Venue:⾚柱正灘 Stanley Main Beach
賽程:200 米(直道賽)
Race Course : 200m (sprint)



1. 分為國際展能組、男⼦公開組、女⼦公開組、混合公開組、企業及社團組,共 5 組別。

2. 「展能組」- 暫時不分傷殘類別,所有肢體及智⼒殘障隊伍、癌病康復者隊伍,甚⾄長期病患隊伍均可報名。如報名超額,會考慮分開傷殘類別。

3. 「公開組」- 為⼀般隊伍⽽設, 歡迎額外加碼報名參加「⿊武⼠蒙眼慈善體驗賽」體驗⿊暗中扒龍⾈滋味(⼀場過,半隊賽員需蒙眼參賽)。

4. 為安全起⾒,展能組只要求比賽時「⾄少半數」划⼿為殘障。如決定全數為殘


Category / Format:

1: International Para Dragons , Men Open, Women Open, Mixed Open,Corporation and Community, total 5 categories.

2. Para Dragons – no separate classification by physical and intellectual impairments, Cancer survivors, even teams for chronic disease patients would be accepted. In case of oversubscription, we may consider separate classifications.

3. "Open Categories"- for general teams. Extra registration is welcome to participate in the "Darkness Fighters Blindfolded Charity Challenge" to experience how the blind paddle. (one match only, at least half boat of paddlers blindfolded).

4. For safety reasons, during the race all teams only requires "at least half" of the paddlers be disabled/ para-dragon. If it is decided that all of them are disabled/paradragon, especially BSC teams, please indicate in registration form.


Source: 黑武士失明人體育會 Sports Association for the Blind Darkness Fighters

您目前位置:比賽 香港 第⼀屆國際展能⿓⾈邀請賽暨⿊武⼠慈善賽 1st International Para Dragon Invitational Races cum Darkness Fighters Charity Regatta